

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


'The Climbers' ('Pan deng zhe'): Film Review


Hong Kong producer Tsui Hark and director Daniel Lee detail the 1975 Chinese ascent of Everest for a National Day blockbuster starring Wu Jing and Zhang Ziyi.


表示“上升,攀登”,英文解释为“the act of climbing something or moving upwards”,如:the first ascent of Qomolangma 首次攀登珠穆朗玛峰。


表示“轰动一时的书籍/电影”,英文解释为“a book or film that is very good or successful informal”,如:the latest Hollywood blockbuster 好莱坞最新大片。此前在「流浪地球」一文中的标题就为:The Wandering Earth is China’s biggest sci-fi blockbuster.

As the world’s tallest peak (Mauna Kea excepted), Mount Everest has by this point been mythologized and romanticized by every nation and every team that has ever scaled its 8,000-plus meters since Edmund Hillary in 1953 — and possibly George Mallory in 1924. Its natural hazards have played a part in painting those who make it to the summit as wounded warriors: Baltasar Kormakur’s Everest and Jon Krakauer's best-seller Into Thin Air, both about one of the mountain’s deadliest seasons, are just two examples.

Mauna Kea

Mauna Kea (/ˌmɔːnə ˈkeɪ.ə/ or /ˌmaʊnə ˈkeɪ.ə/) is a dormant volcano on the island of Hawaii. Most of the volcano is underwater, and when measured from its underwater base, Mauna Kea is the tallest mountain in the world, measuring over 10,000 m (33,000 ft) in height.



表示“当做神话;把……解释为神话;(对…)故弄玄虚”,英文解释为“to create a false picture of a situation”举个🌰:

People tend to mythologize (about) their youth/the past.



表示“以浪漫方式说话;使浪漫化;使理想化”,英文解释为“to talk about something in a way that makes it sound better than it really is, or to believe that something is better than it really is”举个🌰:

Stop romanticizing! Nothing's that perfect.



表示“攀登”,英文解释为“to climb to the top of something that is high and difficult to climb”举个🌰:

Rescuers had to scale a 300-metre cliff to reach the injured climber.


Into this tradition comes Daniel Lee’s The Climbers, a suitably spectacular and ridiculous big-budget adventure timed for release to celebrate China’s National Day on Tuesday. Anchored by The Wandering Earth and Wolf Warrior 2 star Wu Jing, The Climbers goes heavy on bombast and heart-pounding peril (so many storms) in detailing the first documented north face ascent of Qomolangma — the local name for Everest — in 1975 to the glory of China. This is going to go down smoothly in China over the holiday, and with Wu in the lead, the film could prove a modest hit with overseas action fans, though the rah-rah jingoism could put off some Asia-Pacific markets.

be/go heavy on

表示“大量(过度)消耗(使用)某物”,英文解释为“to use a lot or too much of something”举个🌰:

The car’s rather heavy on oil.



表示“浮夸的言语;大话,空话”,英文解释为“language that is intentionally difficult, usually to make something sound more important than it is”。

go down

1)表示“引起…反响”,英文解释为“If you say that a remark, idea, or type of behaviour goes down in a particular way, you mean that it gets a particular kind of reaction from a person or group of people.”举个🌰:

The joke didn't go down very well.


2)表示“被记住;被记下;载入”,英文解释为“to be remembered or recorded in a particular way”,举个🌰:

Hurricane Katrina will go down in the record books as the costliest storm ever faced by insurers.


- 以下部分剧透 -

- 请谨慎阅读 -

The adventure begins with Fang Wuzhou (Wu) making an attempt to summit in 1960, where he loses most of his team to an avalanche. In the ensuing years, China enters into a “harsher era” and gives up its mountaineering aspirations. Fang, however, stays in shape, even though he’s shunned, and doubt is thrown on the truth of the ‘60 climb. But upon being told the first Chinese ascent is invalid due to lack of photographic evidence (Fang dropped the camera to save a teammate), he ...


avalanche /ˈævəˌlɑːntʃ/表示“雪崩”,英文解释为“a large mass of snow, ice, and rocks that falls down the side of a mountain”。


表示“强烈愿望;志向,抱负”,英文解释为“a strong desire to have or achieve something”。在庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年大会上的重要讲话中,「人民对美好生活的向往」怎么说你还记得吗?

The Climbers then sets out on a getting-the-band-back-together montage, the old group including Qu Songlin (Zhang Yi, Ash Is Purest White), who lost half an appendage to frostbite when he tried to finish the ’60 climb barefoot (that’s dedication) and Tibetan guide Jiebu (Lawang Lop). The new guys — of what appears to be about 50 — include photographer Li Guoliang (Jing Boran); lifelong Everest enthusiast Yang Guang (Hu Ge); Fang’s old flame, meteorologist Xu Ying (Zhang Ziyi); and pretty assistant Sherpa Mudan (Quni Ciren), who takes a liking to Guoliang.


表示“冻伤;冻疮”,英文解释为“injury to someone caused by severe cold, usually to their toes, fingers, ears, or nose”。

old flame

表示“旧情人,老相好”,英文解释为“a person that you loved or had a sexual relationship with in the past”。

take a liking to

表示“喜欢上某人/某物”,英文解释为“to begin to like someone or something”举个🌰:

He immediately took a liking to Jane.


补充:be to sb’s liking表示“对某人的胃口,合某人的心意”,英文解释为:if something is to someone’s liking, they like it or think it is satisfactory,举个🌰:

I hope everything was to your liking, sir.


With all that romance simmering, you know someone is eventually going to take a fatal fall. But before that, to quote Matt Damon’s Mark Watney from The Martian, team leader Fang has to "Wu Jing" the mountain to make it to the top and reassess Everest’s height for all the world to see (though an Indian team confirmed its height in 1955).


表示“(分歧或消极情绪)酝酿,积聚”,英文解释为“If a disagreement or negative emotion simmers, it grows slowly stronger over a period of time and could become more serious at any moment.”举个🌰:

She's been simmering with resentment ever since the meeting.


And that’s really what the film is about: the mountain and the climb. The reality-based “characters” are given short shrift: Fang is painfully capable and compassionate; Qu is bitter over losing the camera 15 years before and living with the shame; Li and Yang are handsome; Mudan and Jiebu are Tibetan, and they’re just there to nod approvingly and give thumbs up. None of the relationships transcend narrative function, and so death, rage and reconciliations ring hollow. Too many endings and romantic subplots that do nothing but bloat the running time and detract from the snowy action could easily have been jettisoned by editors Tang Man To and Li Lin for a leaner, loftier final product.

short shrift

表示“忽视,冷遇,怠慢”,英文解释为“If you get or are given short shrift by someone, you are treated without sympathy and given little attention.”举个🌰:

He'll get short shrift from me if he starts complaining about money again, now that I know how much he earns!


ring/sound hollow

表示“显得虚假,听起来不诚恳”,英文解释为“If something someone says rings hollow, it does not sound true or sincere.”


表示“(使)膨胀;(使)臃肿”,英文解释为“to swell up, or to make someone or something swollen”。


表示“除掉;放弃”,英文解释为“to get rid of something or decide not to do something any longer”举个🌰:

We've had to jettison our trip because of his accident.


- END -






《蜘蛛侠:英雄远征》 开启漫威新时代








